Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Terminal Contract Deadline

Roseanda Police Hall

This is a  reminder from the Board of Trustees Office that any request to issue an employee a formal Notice of Non-Reappointment ending August 15, 2013 must arrive at UIC HR no later than Thursday, January 31, 2013.  This includes:
  • Permanent fulltime academic professionals on hard funds employed for less than 4 years
  • Permanent fulltime academic professionals on soft funds who have completed 4 but less than 5 years of service
  • Fulltime Postdoctoral Research Associates on hard funds
  • Faculty in year 1 of their tenuretrack probationary period
  • Faculty who are entitled to formal notice based on their appointment percent time and source of funds.  Please review policy 901 Notice of Non-Reappointment for Tenure-Track and Non-Tenured Faculty to determine whether formal notice is due.  
While academic professional terminals can start and end any time, as long as they cover a period that includes the period to which they are entitled, Postdocs who do not receive their notice 6 months before the end of their contract must be offered another full year. We do also understand that not all contracts run on the academic year, but if there is no end date on the job, the standard academic year date is presumed. You may confirm dates by viewing an employee’s NOA by selecting “NOA” at the following University HR website: http://www.hr.uillinois.edu/human_resource_systems/h_r_applications
Notice rights information can be found on the UIC HR website at

Notice rights for faculty can be found on the Faculty Affairs/Provost website at http://www.uic.edu/depts/oaa/policies_proced.html 

Please process the Employee Record Changes to reflect the initial notice of non-reappointment and the 8/15/2013 terminal date and route no later than 5:00 PM, January 31, 2013. For employees who hold joint appointments, please allow enough time to route so that the transaction is received at the UIC HR level by the above deadline.  After verifying with the employee, job comments in the HRFE transaction must indicate that the current home address information has been verified as the Board of Trustees notice of non-reappointment will be sent to the employee’s home address. 

A job aid regarding the process for academic employees is available online at http://www.uic.edu/depts/hr/support/jobaids/HRFE_NONR.pdf. 

Once the HRFE transaction has been submitted, please notify the UIC HR Service Center at uichrservicecenter@uillinois.edu  for faculty and academic professional, the names and transaction numbers of the NONRs that you are submitting. This will help ensure transactions are processed by the Board of Trustees deadline.