Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Fall 2012 Event Wrap-Up

Rebecca Fortier
Special Events Facilitator, Office of Special Programs
Employee Recognition Award Program
Over 700 UIC employees and their guests enjoyed the annual, campus-wide celebration at the UIC Forum on November 1st. The ceremony and reception honored recipients of the Award of Merit, CAPE Award, WOW, INSPIRE, and Luminary Awards, and those celebrating 25, 30, 35, 40, and 45 years of service to UIC. To view photos taken during the ceremony, visit photo.lib.uic.edu and look for the Events 2012 link.

Campus Charitable Fund Drive: October 3rd – December 21st (Extended Date!!!)
Our Kick-Off Breakfast on October 3rd at Student Center East began UIC’s season of giving. Nine of the eleven Charity Federations attended to share their missions and the missions of their 2000 charitable organizations they represent. The Fund Drive has been extended until December 21st. There are two primary ways to donate as an individual employee – Continuous Payroll Deductions & One-Time Donations. Departments can also contribute together to make a One-Time Donation. Please visit and encourage others to visit our Campus Charitable Fund Drive website at http://www.uic.edu/depts/hr/Special_Programs/ccfd/index.shtml for information on how to contribute. There’s still plenty of time donate!

Spring 2013 Upcoming Events

Retirement Luncheon: Thursday, February 28
UIC will honor those employees who have retired between August 16, 2011 and August 15, 2012 at the annual Retirement Luncheon on February 28, 2013 in Student Center West. The Office of Special Programs will be contacting all HR representatives in early December to confirm the names of the department’s 2011-2012 retirees. Please watch for this communication and we thank you in advance for your assistance.
Retiree invitations will go out after January 1st.